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zaujimavy dokument o ''kurvitkach'' nielen v tlaciarnach

Michal Bumbera
Michal Bumbera 2013-03-24 22:50:25+01
2013-03-28 12:37:07+01
príspevok od: total empty
Uber ! Prvé infarkty okolo 48, smrť 59-62 u bežných ľudí,robotnikov,traktoristou,kamionistou atď.
To su fakta, ktoré si všímam už par rokov v mojom okolí. To je smutné, máme krčmu a poviem ti,že veľa zákaznikov mi pomrelo, väščinou utrápeny z kapitalizmu a stratou vieri v lepšie, depresie,stresi,neurozi, zlé stravovanie, ustavičné sa naháňanie za niečim, rakovina,smrť.
kazdy si moze vybrat cestu...ja ako hobby bezec som napr cez vikend cestoval so skupinou 50tnikov na BA maraton ...dali ho s prstom v nose pod 4 hodiny a verim ze budu behat minimalne do 70tky ...vsetci vedia co maju robit aby boli zdravi ale vacsina na to prdi ... samo ze choroba si nevybera
2013-03-28 21:23:04+01
príspevok od: keko
Lyzicka v hrnceku picha do oka. (Zmensis tak gamut videnia.) Zakladne pravidlo ambiciozneho fotografa pijuceho kakao.

P.S.: Pokial si to nepreciats cele, tak nepochopis. Ale nie je to povinne citanie. To nie.
cital som celu diskusiu, len tym lyzickam som nerozumel, mozno som niektory prispevok prehliadol alebo preskocil
2013-03-29 01:28:36+01
príspevok od: total empty
...žeby si nebol prekvapený, chyby sa v rôznej spotrebnej elektronike objavia zázračne po dvoch rokoch používania, je jedno či radiomagnetofon,dvd prehravač, napäťový zdroj v počítači,foťák, dvd recorder, kamera aťď. Vždy je to to isté,nerentabilná oprava, kúp si nové.
Jedine čo ti vydrží bez opravy päť a viac rokov je elektronika od Panasonic, aspoň ja mám také skúsenosti. Vlastne od Panasonic som ešte nič nedával opravovať.
Mám podobnú skúsenosť s notebookom značky A..s, odišiel mi asi mesiac po uplynutí záruky.
Zo servisného centra mi odpísali že je potrebné vymeniť celú základnú dosku. Cena nového komponentu vrátane práce a dopravy tam a späť: 440E Hodnota notebooku dnes, cca: 250E
Podobný problém s notebookom riešili aj traja moji známi...
Apropo fotoaparát, uzávierka v mojej D5100-ke je vraj testovaná na 150 000 cyklov... málo? veľa? možno ako pre koho.. neriešim, neovplyvním, ako kopec iných vecí ktoré môžu nastať pri používaní.
2013-03-29 07:56:40+01
príspevok od: tomino1980
kazdy si moze vybrat cestu...ja ako hobby bezec som napr cez vikend cestoval so skupinou 50tnikov na BA maraton ...dali ho s prstom v nose pod 4 hodiny a verim ze budu behat minimalne do 70tky ...vsetci vedia co maju robit aby boli zdravi ale vacsina na to prdi ... samo ze choroba si nevybera
Ludi zabija hlavne alkohol,nikotin,kofein. Pri mnohych zdravotnych problemoch staci toto vysadit a stav sa upravi aj bez liekov.
Kto tymto premennym ale intenzivne a dlhodobo holduje...pre toho je 50 kriticky vek. Niektori sa ani tej nedoziju.
2013-03-29 09:14:31+01
Do nasej firmy kupili na jeden projekt 22 PC DELL. Po 2 rokoch a 1 mesiaci behom jedneho mesiaca odisli vsetky zdroje !!!
Kedze sme mali predlzenu zaruku, tak nam ich vymenili bezplatne.
2013-03-29 09:28:35+01
príspevok od: bersekr
cital som celu diskusiu, len tym lyzickam som nerozumel, mozno som niektory prispevok prehliadol alebo preskocil
No dobre.
Zabudnuta lyzicka v mikrovlnnej rure robi neplechu. Suviselo to ziarovkovym vlaknom tak, ze ziarovka a j s roztrhnutyn vlaknom svieti, ked ju das do mikrovlnky. To naozaj robi, ale nesmie byt rozbita a musi byt zbavena kovoveho zavitu.
Ae bolo to len take lahke mentalne cvicenie zamerane na predstavivost ... Nic dolezite v tejto teme.
2013-03-29 11:55:57+01
príspevok od: keko
No dobre.
Zabudnuta lyzicka v mikrovlnnej rure robi neplechu. Suviselo to ziarovkovym vlaknom tak, ze ziarovka a j s roztrhnutyn vlaknom svieti, ked ju das do mikrovlnky. To naozaj robi, ale nesmie byt rozbita a musi byt zbavena kovoveho zavitu.
Ae bolo to len take lahke mentalne cvicenie zamerane na predstavivost ... Nic dolezite v tejto teme.
2013-03-29 16:54:07+01
príspevok od: Paulie
total empty
2013-03-29 17:48:04+01
príspevok od: Konan
Ludi zabija hlavne alkohol,nikotin,kofein. Pri mnohych zdravotnych problemoch staci toto vysadit a stav sa upravi aj bez liekov.
Kto tymto premennym ale intenzivne a dlhodobo holduje...pre toho je 50 kriticky vek. Niektori sa ani tej nedoziju.
Nikotín,kofeín,energetické nápoje,prepracovanosť,vysoké nároky zamestnavateľa nizké platy,stres atď. Neni čas na behanie, a ten alkohol,ten je kdesi preč,skôr sa ľudia ladujú tabletkamy a jedetia podivnú lacno stravu.....
2013-03-30 00:41:29+01
príspevok od: keko
No dobre.
Zabudnuta lyzicka v mikrovlnnej rure robi neplechu. Suviselo to ziarovkovym vlaknom tak, ze ziarovka a j s roztrhnutyn vlaknom svieti, ked ju das do mikrovlnky. To naozaj robi, ale nesmie byt rozbita a musi byt zbavena kovoveho zavitu.
Ae bolo to len take lahke mentalne cvicenie zamerane na predstavivost ... Nic dolezite v tejto teme.
tak v niektorych navodoch k MV sa uvadza, ze ak chces ohriat vodu v hrceku rychlejsie, tak tam mas nechat lyzicku, v o viacerych sa aj uvadza, ze sa moze pouzivat kovovy riad. takze kov v MV nerobi problem, mozno tak vo filmoch
2013-03-30 05:06:54+01
príspevok od: bersekr
tak v niektorych navodoch k MV sa uvadza, ze ak chces ohriat vodu v hrceku rychlejsie, tak tam mas nechat lyzicku, v o viacerych sa aj uvadza, ze sa moze pouzivat kovovy riad. takze kov v MV nerobi problem, mozno tak vo filmoch
V návode od MW z Číny? Problém robí aj obyčajný tanier s "pozláteným" okrajom, nieto ešte lyžička.
2013-03-30 10:48:47+01
príspevok od: bersekr
tak v niektorych navodoch k MV sa uvadza, ze ak chces ohriat vodu v hrceku rychlejsie, tak tam mas nechat lyzicku, v o viacerych sa aj uvadza, ze sa moze pouzivat kovovy riad. takze kov v MV nerobi problem, mozno tak vo filmoch
Natoc a hod sem video
2013-03-30 10:51:37+01
príspevok od: FeroBa
Do nasej firmy kupili na jeden projekt 22 PC DELL. Po 2 rokoch a 1 mesiaci behom jedneho mesiaca odisli vsetky zdroje !!!
Kedze sme mali predlzenu zaruku, tak nam ich vymenili bezplatne.
Bezplatne? A koľko stála predĺžená záruka?
2013-03-30 10:54:28+01
príspevok od: bersekr
tak v niektorych navodoch k MV sa uvadza, ze ak chces ohriat vodu v hrceku rychlejsie, tak tam mas nechat lyzicku, v o viacerych sa aj uvadza, ze sa moze pouzivat kovovy riad. takze kov v MV nerobi problem, mozno tak vo filmoch
Is it safe to put metal in a microwave oven?
The best answer (with just a bit of technical stuff)
Ask around to find out if using metal in a microwave is okay, and the answer is often a no. A no is a safe answer, and that's for sure. There are instances where metal is absolutely to be avoided, and there are also times when a bit of foil greatly helps with things and can be used safely. But the situations will vary. With that in mind, let's look at, "Is it save to put metal in a microwave oven?"

It may be yes, or it may be no. Here's a suggestion. Let the manufacturer make the call on this one. Generally speaking, the magnetron (the component in the microwave that generates the microwave energy) won't be harmed by metal in the cavity (the cooking area). But any metal within the cavity might act like a microwave antenna, and this may create arcs, and even start a fire within the cooking area. This will melt and burn things within the cavity, and almost certainly damage the door, which will make the oven unsafe to use (if it doesn't actually disable the oven). But setting aside those issues, let's look more closely at the microwave and how it should be used.

No one on this board can tell for sure without the owners manual or the model number of the machine in question (so one could look at the owner's manual) whether metal can or cannot be used in a given machine. "No" is a safe answer, but it may not be correct. A microwave has some cooking capabilities that may not be obvious, and anyone who owns or uses one of these puppies should know whether or not something like foil can be used inside it. There are even some microwaveable "fast foods" that have a bit of foil in the microwaveable package. Additionally, some microwave ovens allow a bit of foil over a portion of a food item being cooked, like the ends of the drumsticks on a bird. If the manufacturer's manual is not handy, it may be possible to go to the manufacturer's web site and actually view it online. Certainly the pamphlet can be had by ordering it. Get the manual. Read it. There might be several things in there that weren't obvious. Like whether or not foil can be used in the oven. That's why the correct answer may be either yes, or no.

If you have any doubts or issues, or you are not familiar with the manufacturer's instructions for a given unit, the "no" is a safe default answer and should be applied. But further investigation and thinking is in order if a microwave user wants to get the maximum out of a unit and really develop insight into the truth in the answer.

A link is provided to the USDA page with microwave use and safety suggestions. Surf on over and scroll down to the section on the use of foil and see what they have to say. That's a good place to start, and you're a simple "click" away right now.

Actually, the right answer would be: good or at least average electrical conductor metals (meaning: all metals) would cause some electrical arcs and, eventually, if left inside while running, a fire. Still there are some exceptions: golden or silver lining of plates, foil and small amounts of average electric conductor metals would cause only small, or no sparks, arcs and are mostly harmless. The real threat actually are metallic containers (plates, cans, etc...) and metallic cutlery, especially gold- and silverware. My silver fork for example almost ignited our old microwave oven, but we use a gold lined plate (only on the edges, and really only a line) on a daily basis in it, and it hasn't produced a sparkle as to day. So quantity counts as well as quality

I have seen an entire door to a microwave oven explode off the oven denting the wall on the other side of the room from one metal handle on a Chinese food container.
2013-03-30 20:35:40+01
príspevok od: Paulie
V návode od MW z Číny? Problém robí aj obyčajný tanier s "pozláteným" okrajom, nieto ešte lyžička.
tanier s pozlatenym okrajom robi problem, pretoze je ta vrstva prilis tenka, preto tam vznika silny vyboj, kovova vrstva sa prehrieva, moze tanier aj prasknut. podobne to je s alobalom. je xy kvalitnych mikrovlniek, ktore maju kovovy tanier miesto skleneneho, naopak, hrce kovove nie su vhodne, pretoze kov odraza mikrovlny a tym sa neohreje to co je vnutri. Ved koniec koncov cele vnutro mikrovlneej rury je kovove. Takze lyzicka problem nerobi. problem robia tenke vrstvy kovu a velmi istre hrany. Lyzicka moze sposobit problem, iba ak sa bude dotykat steny MV rury
2013-03-30 20:43:26+01
Jozi Mačutek
2013-03-30 20:48:55+01
Dnešná doba je taká že niekto si každý druhý rok vymieňa auto ... nový počítač je o rok zastaralý a televízie sa menia ako žiarovky ... z toho je odpad ktorým sa znečisťuje Zem ... no ľudia s tým neurobia nič ... sami s tým začali
total empty
2013-03-30 22:06:33+01
príspevok od: keko
Is it safe to put metal in a microwave oven?
The best answer (with just a bit of technical stuff)
Ask around to find out if using metal in a microwave is okay, and the answer is often a no. A no is a safe answer, and that's for sure. There are instances where metal is absolutely to be avoided, and there are also times when a bit of foil greatly helps with things and can be used safely. But the situations will vary. With that in mind, let's look at, "Is it save to put metal in a microwave oven?"

It may be yes, or it may be no. Here's a suggestion. Let the manufacturer make the call on this one. Generally speaking, the magnetron (the component in the microwave that generates the microwave energy) won't be harmed by metal in the cavity (the cooking area). But any metal within the cavity might act like a microwave antenna, and this may create arcs, and even start a fire within the cooking area. This will melt and burn things within the cavity, and almost certainly damage the door, which will make the oven unsafe to use (if it doesn't actually disable the oven). But setting aside those issues, let's look more closely at the microwave and how it should be used.

No one on this board can tell for sure without the owners manual or the model number of the machine in question (so one could look at the owner's manual) whether metal can or cannot be used in a given machine. "No" is a safe answer, but it may not be correct. A microwave has some cooking capabilities that may not be obvious, and anyone who owns or uses one of these puppies should know whether or not something like foil can be used inside it. There are even some microwaveable "fast foods" that have a bit of foil in the microwaveable package. Additionally, some microwave ovens allow a bit of foil over a portion of a food item being cooked, like the ends of the drumsticks on a bird. If the manufacturer's manual is not handy, it may be possible to go to the manufacturer's web site and actually view it online. Certainly the pamphlet can be had by ordering it. Get the manual. Read it. There might be several things in there that weren't obvious. Like whether or not foil can be used in the oven. That's why the correct answer may be either yes, or no.

If you have any doubts or issues, or you are not familiar with the manufacturer's instructions for a given unit, the "no" is a safe default answer and should be applied. But further investigation and thinking is in order if a microwave user wants to get the maximum out of a unit and really develop insight into the truth in the answer.

A link is provided to the USDA page with microwave use and safety suggestions. Surf on over and scroll down to the section on the use of foil and see what they have to say. That's a good place to start, and you're a simple "click" away right now.

Actually, the right answer would be: good or at least average electrical conductor metals (meaning: all metals) would cause some electrical arcs and, eventually, if left inside while running, a fire. Still there are some exceptions: golden or silver lining of plates, foil and small amounts of average electric conductor metals would cause only small, or no sparks, arcs and are mostly harmless. The real threat actually are metallic containers (plates, cans, etc...) and metallic cutlery, especially gold- and silverware. My silver fork for example almost ignited our old microwave oven, but we use a gold lined plate (only on the edges, and really only a line) on a daily basis in it, and it hasn't produced a sparkle as to day. So quantity counts as well as quality

I have seen an entire door to a microwave oven explode off the oven denting the wall on the other side of the room from one metal handle on a Chinese food container.
Sluchaj,keď chceš dačo zdeliť,tak píš po slovensky,ja tu tiež nevypisujem po španielsky ani činský. Je sice pekné, že vieš po EN, ale nie každému sa s tým chce trápiť.
Fakt je lepšie,keď sa dorozumieme.
2013-03-30 22:16:08+01
príspevok od: bersekr
Nieco na tom je. Aspon viem, ako funguje mikrovlnka. Vedel som, ze polarne latky sa rozkmitaju a kovove pasiky zhoria. To ostatne je pre mna nove.
2013-03-30 22:33:29+01
príspevok od: total empty
Sluchaj,keď chceš dačo zdeliť,tak píš po slovensky,ja tu tiež nevypisujem po španielsky ani činský. Je sice pekné, že vieš po EN, ale nie každému sa s tým chce trápiť.
Fakt je lepšie,keď sa dorozumieme.
Dam pozor druhy raz ...
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