Religious Balance

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2012-03-19 15:39:43
Thank you ludovitsabo, i shot several that morning the others have a lot more frame right but not that sky.
2012-03-19 14:43:56
Prial by som si kúsok viac pravej strany, inak veľmi príjemné foto.
Tech. kvalita: 6 | Kompozícia: 6 | Impakt: 6 | Priemer: 6.00
ocenenie redakciou 2012-03-19 14:11:55
nice tone !
Tech. kvalita: 6 | Kompozícia: 6 | Impakt: 6 | Priemer: 6.00
2012-03-19 13:40:57
Thanks gents.
2012-03-19 13:38:45
Tech. kvalita: 7 | Kompozícia: 7 | Impakt: 7 | Priemer: 7.00
ocenenie redakciou 2012-03-19 13:32:37
nice pic
Tech. kvalita: 6 | Kompozícia: 6 | Impakt: 6 | Priemer: 6.00
2012-03-19 07:51:54
Clona: 16
Expozícia: 1/0.04 sec
ISO: 100
Fotoaparát: Canon EOS 5D
Objektív: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
Ohnisko: 29 mm
Pridané: 2012-03-19 00:28:24
Na kritiku: 2012-03-19 13:03:58
Témy: ostatné, príroda, voda
Albumy: English Landscapes
This is a chapel that was saved from the murky depths of Rutland Water when the reservoir was created and the valley it's situated in was flooded in the 1970's. There's actually a complete village still down there.