bobturnbul wallpaper

O mne

Niečo o mne: I am an Experienced PPC (Pay Per Click) Expert with a demonstrated history of working in digital marketing & graphic design industry. I have expertise in SEO, SMO, and WordPress. I am working with Clipping Path Specialists. Here we at Clipping Path specialists enable our global clients to grow their businesses by providing hand-drawn, high-quality, affordable Photoshop services. Our 120+ Photoshop specialists are ready to do any kind of photo editing work whether its image clipping path, color correction, background removal, drop shadow, neck joint, custom retouching, image masking or compositing. We believe our success is built upon our clients’ success. Our clients include professional fashion photographers, product photographers, art directors, studios, photo agencies, and e-commerce businesses. Our customers highly appreciate our fast turnaround ability, transparency in pricing, 24/7 customer support, and unlimited revision.
Ponúkam služby: fotenie v ateliéri
Zameriavam sa na: Móda, Tradičná čiernobiela fotografia, Reportážna a dokumentárna fotografia,

Osobné údaje

Meno: Bob
Priezvisko: Turnbul
Domovská krajina: Spojené kráľovstvo (Veľká Británia)

Fotografická odbornosť:
Členom ePhota od: 07. 04. 2021
Posledná aktivita: 2021-04-07 11:09:19
Status: offline


Moje fotoaparáty: žiadne fotoaparáty
Moje objektívy: žiadne objektívy
Hľadaj: fotografie za: v kategórii: zobraziť  


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